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Runecast vSphere Client Plugin

The Runecast plugin brings the findings discovered by Runecast Analyzer directly in the VMware vSphere Client. This gives the users even easier access to potential problems or security vulnerabilities discovered on any part of their virtual infrastructure.


  • vCenter Server 6.0 and later
  • Connectivity from vCenter Server to Runecast Analyzer (TCP 443)


The plugin can still be used in vSphere Web Client (Flash version) on vCenter Server 6.0, but is no longer being actively developed and tested on this version.

We guide you through each step of the plugin installation process, providing clear instructions for access token generation and useful tips along the way in this comprehensive tutorial: How to install and configure the Runecast plugin for vCenter.

Registering the plugin with vCenter Server

Runecast vSphere Client Plugin is deployed directly from Runecast Analyzer appliance. The steps required for initial registration or update of the plugin are provided below:

  1. Log in to Runecast Analyzer
  2. Navigate to Settings > Connection > vCenter Connection settings
  3. For each added vCenter Server, there is a vSphere Client Plugin section. Depending on the current status, the plugin can be either Not installed, Installed (Update available) or Installed.
  4. By expanding the Action button on the right side, you can choose one of the available options. Follow the instructions in the pop-up window. It provides the option to initiate the registration or update process directly from Runecast Analyzer or to download a customized PowerCLI script.

Plugin Configuration

After registration, please login to vSphere Client, navigate to Menu > Administration and select Settings under Runecast.

Provide the FQDN or IP address of Runecast Analyzer and an API Access Token, then update settings using the dedicated button.

Working with the Runecast Plugin

The plugin introduces an additional tab named Runecast under the Monitor section of each inventory object (e.g. Host, VM, port group). The issues grid will show all issues related to the object along with their relevant finding values. It will also show detail directly in the interface (such as the relevant VMware KB article).

A view showing all issues for the inventory can be obtained on vCenter Server level. Under that context a scan of the selected vCenter can be triggered directly from the vSphere Client, by clicking on the "Perform Scan of vCenter" button.


Starting vCenter Server analysis requires Access Token with Admin privileges to Runecast Analyzer. Otherwise, this functionality will be not available.

Unregistering the extension from vCenter Server and cleaning up its files


Unregistering the extension from vCenter Server stops it from being active in the vSphere Client, but does not clean up its files. This is because of a known VMware limitation on the vCenter Server version 6 and 7. Starting from vCenter Server version 8, you only need to unregister the plugin by running the below script or from https:///mob, and clean-up is done automatically.

We will walk you through each step of the uninstallation, providing clear instructions and useful tips along the way in this comprehensive tutorial: How to uninstall the Runecast plugin in vCenter.

To unregister the plugin run the following script:

Write-Host ''
Write-Host "Please enter vCenter Server address and login credentials"
Write-Host ''

###Setting up###
$vcenter = Read-Host 'vCenter Server address'
$user = Read-Host 'Username'
$pswd = Read-Host 'Password' -AsSecureString
$creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($user,$pswd)
Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -InvalidCertificateAction Prompt -Scope Session -Confirm:$false | Out-Null

#Connect to vCenter
Write-Host "Connecting to $vcenter..." -ForegroundColor yellow
$vc = Connect-VIServer -Server $vcenter -Credential $creds

if (!$vc) {
    Write-Host "Connection to $vcenter failed" -ForegroundColor red
} else {
    Write-Host "Successfully connected to $vcenter"
    Write-Host "Runecast Web Client plugin is about to be unregistered from $vcenter" -ForegroundColor yellow

    do {
        Write-Host "Do you want to continue? (y/n): " -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline
        $answer = Read-Host
    } until (($answer -eq 'y') -Or ($answer -eq 'Y') -Or ($answer -eq 'n') -Or ($answer -eq 'N'))

    if (($answer -eq 'y') -Or ($answer -eq 'Y')) {
        Write-Host 'Unregistering Runecast plugin...' -ForegroundColor yellow
        $em = Get-View ExtensionManager
        try {
            Write-Host 'Runecast plugin unregistered. Please, log out and log back in to vSphere Client'
        catch {
            Write-Host $_.Exception.Message -ForegroundColor red

    #Disconnect from vCenter
    Write-Host "Disconnecting from $vcenter..." -ForegroundColor yellow
    Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vc -Confirm:$false

To clean up the files, and completely remove the plugin, follow the steps below:

  1. Stop vSphere Client service(s).


    Information about how to stop/start vCenter services is available on the following links:

  2. Remove the plugin directories:

    • For VCSA version 6.5 and later, navigate to:

      • /etc/vmware/vsphere-client/vc-packages/vsphere-client-serenity and remove the biz.runecast.\* folder
      • /etc/vmware/vsphere-ui/vc-packages/vsphere-client-serenity and remove the biz.runecast.\* folder
      • $VMWARE_DATA_DIR/vsphere-client and remove the runecast folder
      • $VMWARE_DATA_DIR/vsphere-ui and remove the runecast folder
    • For Windows based vCenter Server 6.5 and later, navigate to:

      • %VMWARE_CFG_DIR%\vsphere-client\vc-packages\vsphere-client-serenity and remove the biz.runecast.\* folder
      • %VMWARE_DATA_DIR%\vsphere-ui\ and remove the runecast folder
    • For VCSA version 6.0, navigate to:

      • /etc/vmware/vsphere-client/vc-packages/vsphere-client-serenity and remove the biz.runecast.\* folder
      • $VMWARE_DATA_DIR/vsphere-client and remove the runecast folder
    • For Windows based vCenter Server 6.0, navigate to:

      • %VMWARE_CFG_DIR%\vsphere-client\vc-packages\vsphere-client-serenity and remove the biz.runecast.\* folder
      • %VMWARE_DATA_DIR%\vspherewebclientsvc\ and remove the runecast folder
  3. Start vSphere Client service(s).